As climbers, we’re always getting injures – that’s just part of the game. Hopefully your injuries are minor; but when an injury makes you stop climbing for an extended period of time, another outlet is needed for all that obsession.
ClimbingNarc has an injury and recently asked on Twitter for some suggestions on non-climbing activities for climbers. I then re-tweeted this and collected the following interesting responses (after removing the jokes!):
Jefner try #kayaking, it’s great crack.
EDWARDSCHMIDT Fly fishing > equally as compelling once you figure it out
boulderdiaries Snowboarding and that’s about it for me
bdestrempes Lots of biking, swimming and tennis for me
SectioDivina Kayaking, crossfit, breaking, jiu-jitsu.
sudarkoff I am doing yoga (Ashtanga) regardless of whether I can or cannot #climb. And it keeps me healthy and being able to climb!
mmoris when unable to #climb we need to go to work 😉 otherwise, snowboarding, hiking, photography, etc.
thepurpleflower yoga, indoor or outdoor cycling
Andif I like to use my mountain bike, I notice the difference on rock overs, I certainly notice if I don’t
trailsdotcom when our fingers are too torn up to climb, we love slacklining and disc golf. Wait, is drinking a physical activity?
lavala No running? I guess yoga, but I prefer running in the off season.
stepan interestingly enough skiing helps me climb
alliebrock mountain biking, power kiting. That’s mine #climb
climbingsponge Go on an off-trail hike that involves scrambling.
sugardayfox I’d vote for swimming (especially free style) as it is a great way to train/flex your antagonists for your back
tcabeen pull-ups, push-ups, core work. That’s all I got.
DivaMissT yoga!
Edmundhilarious Slacklining.
I’d like to add that due to my recent injuries, I’ve found that snowboarding does the trick for me. As a long time skier, I started learning to board this year and the steep learning curve is just what I needed to keep my mind off climbing.
After looking at all these suggestions, what makes a good on-climbing activity for a climber? I think the following sum up the criteria:
- Challenging – combines some of the same mental plus physical challenges as climbing
- Does not use oft-injured body parts from climbing (hands, upper-body)
- Not seasonal (we get injured year round right?)
What do you like to do on rest days or when you’re unable to climb due to an injury?
- Tags: climbing injuries, twitter
Telemark skiing and road biking. Yum.
Snowboarding and mtb!
We should go riding sometime Tom!
How about kite buggying? you even get to sit down!
Ryan – absolutely! I’m getting a new board this week, so anytime starting next week I’m in!