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All Climbing

Everything climbing and the outdoors.

Climbing and Startups

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I haven’t posted in a while, so I thought I’d share with everyone the reason why. I’ve been heads down for the past several months working on my new company, StatsMix. We’re building a web-based service that creates custom dashboards bringing together internal and external metrics in one place so businesses can make better decisions and gain insights.

StatsMix took TechStars founders out for a day of climbing in Boulder Canyon recently. I spoke about the relationship between climbing and building a startup in the following video taken during the trip (starting at 3:27 in the video):

"Be Fearless. Today" The Founders | TechStars Boulder | Episode 3 from Megan Sweeney on Vimeo.

If anyone is interested in trying out StatsMix, we’re currently in private beta so just leave your email on the StatsMix site and I’ll get you in as soon as possible.

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Louder Than Eleven and ClimbingNarc’s Talkshow #1 The Show With No Name

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Interview with Dougald MacDonald of Colorado MoJo


  1. Climbing is one of my favourite activities – My co-founder and I try to get out fairly often. I enjoy climbing with my business partner because it’s a great activity outside of the business that adds another layer of trust and interaction between the two of us. If you can put your life in the hands of that person, it’s way easier to trust them with your business!

  2. Interesting concept and good luck w your company! may you be successful in your business ventures along w your travels!

  3. Rock climbing is climbing to the summit to a natural rock formation or climbing with the summit of a man made small gravel wall. It could also be climbing to somewhat of a designated endpoint on a new climbing route. It doesn’t always result in you’ve got to reach stomach muscles will better top.

  4. hey fellow rock climbing buddys! I want to share with you a epic film called 180 south. If you have not seen this film yet. Well you are in for a real treat! head over to Monster Snag to grab a copy for a cheap rate! trust me its a film everyone has to see.

  5. It’s interesting that you are talking about this now.

    Me and a few other good climbing buddies have been working on a climbing and tech based startup since last august. We’re getting ready to launch a climbing trainer app called Climbing Monster for the iphone in june. It will have a log builder and history for keeping track of your progress and a unique algorithm for automatically building training sessions on the fly.

    The startup atmosphere and climbing mix well together. You meet lots of dedicated, smart and ambitious people who absolutely love the sport.

    FSM knows that I do 🙂

  6. I admire that doing your own business, and climbing. I’m actually working on the same thing. I think climbing and business really compliment each other, in both disciplines you only get what you put into it.

    Climbing Training

  7. I heard about StatsMix from a friend. I think it is a good place to start for people who are planning startups, the tool is ideal to gain more insights. Your Climbing Videos is inspirational, I am sharing this with my buddies!