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All Climbing

Everything climbing and the outdoors.

New Release of ClimbingVibe

Author: 2 Comments Share:

Since the release last month of ClimbingVibe, we’ve received a lot of traffic and numerous suggestions on how to make the site better for climbers.

Many of those improvements have been implemented and today we’re launching a new release that features the following:

  • easier voting – logged in users can now vote on either the home page or on individual pages
  • easier to see what you’ve voted on – each post is highlighted with up or down blue arrows if you’ve voted
  • easier access to comments and permalinks
  • most popular posts by number of votes received
  • RSS feed for most popular posts
  • updates to WYSIWYG editor for better posting
  • various improvements to the design
  • various minor bug fixes

If you haven’t visited ClimbingVibe yet, please try it out and vote on some of the best climbing articles on the web.

As always, please let us know what aspects of the site can be improved.

Previous Article

Chris Sharma Slide Show at the New River Gorge

Next Article

Hans Florine and Yuji Hiriyama Set New Speed Record on The Nose


  1. thanks for climbingvibe. i had considered working on something similar last year, but my own shady self interests won out. that said, i was curious about how hard it would be to add some additional functions re: feedback loops. by this i mean adding impetus beyond the general urge to share such as:

    1) profile for contributors. points for sharing. more points for sharing ‘dug’ content.
    2) profiles for blogs/sites. tracking accumulated ‘digs’.
    3) points for up-digs and/or down-digs.

    this isn’t so much about ranking the blogosphere as much as it is about increasing interaction through incentives. extra motivation to participate? i think so. third sign of the apocalypse? only time will tell.


    tommy wilson
    ’tissue tendons’

  2. Tommy, thanks for the feedback.

    We’re already working on all of the functionality you mentioned above. The trick is implementing this in a way the climbers will a) actually use b) properly incentivize them to post and contribute and c) not try to overtly manipulate the system!

    Thanks for contributing some great items to ClimbingVibe and look for the benefits of doing so to increase substantially in the near future.